Who Was Jazlan Faisal?

Who was Jazlan Faisal?

Born on 15th January, 2003, Jazlan Faisal was an alumnus of Shaheen Public School and was studying to complete his CMA degree.

He belonged to a middle class family and was the second oldest of three siblings. At the age of 7, Jazlan lost his father in a tragic elevator accident and since then, he's been under care of his paternal grandparents. He loved both of his grandparents, and would never disobey them.

Jazlan stood 6 foot and 2 inches tall, making him appear older than he was. He'd embrace this about himself by acting very mature for his age.

Ever since he was young, Jazlan had been devoted to his grandparents. To him, they were the best people in his life. He'd go above and beyond to handle every errand & every household chore so that they could rest easy.

He was a very responsible, loyal, obedient, and affectionate grandson.

He was a role model to his brother, who is four and a half years younger than him. His brother was very much positively influenced by him.

He wouldn't allow his granddad to even lift a finger. He would handle it all. If the family had to go to an event or function that took place at night, he'd always drive to and from it because his granddad had trouble seeing at night.

He had plans of going abroad after finishing his degree to get settled.

This is why it breaks my heart to say that Jazlan was killed in cold blood on the night of 24th May 2022.

Shot in the head and died shortly after. All the plans he had for the future, all the responsibilities that were on his plate, all the family that looked forward to him returning home, all of it left behind. And he was at the center of it all. Irfan Faiz, the son of a very influential father who shot the bullet that ended Jazlan's life. He shot Jazlan over a comment made about his brother's rash driving. It took him one dialogue to end an innocent life.

Irfan Faiz remains at large, even though he deserves the maximum punishment.

Share this around with as many people as possible so that if this man is ever found, he cannot escape the clutches of the law; he cannot escape taking a grandson & a brother away from his family.

We will raise our voice today so that no other innocent loses his life tomorrow; so that no more homes are wrecked because of some irresponsible imbecile who thinks he's above the law.

Justice will be served to you, Jazlan.
